So today I feel like using my blog for complaining. Last week I went to the rec center at the seminary and saw an announcement for a "Non-Married Student" game night. This frustrated me. We are called SINGLES. It was like we were being downgraded to second class citizens or something. I wanted to walk right up to the front desk and ask what it was all about. I wanted to ask if there would later be a "Non-Single Student" game night.
I mean it is not as if I love being single. I want to be in a relationship and be married, but God is sovereign and until the point where He chooses to change my single status, I am commanded to find joy in it. I am striving to be able to follow Paul's example about being content in all situations. So anyways, I just wanted other single people out there to know that we are not just to think of ourselves as "non-married", but we are children of God, loved by him, no less than if we were married and producing children.
So "Non-Married" is now the seminary-approved way of saying single? LAME! That is ridiculous!
I really appreciate this post. It is so easy to do this to people, put them in a place where all they can do is hope for the next chapter of thier life. God is good, and where we are in life is good.
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