Friday, July 14, 2006

So this week I once again had the opportunity to see first hand the way that skewed views of God can harm children. I was asked once again to help teach the ecumenical VBS this year. I was excited, one, because I do love working at VBS and two, because I knew it would give me the opportunity to share the gospel. But it also broke my heart this week to see how these well meaning teachers were just teaching heresy. From telling the kids that they were the center of the church to telling them to look in the mirror and see the "Unknown God" that Paul was talking about, to explaining that when Lydia had all of her household baptized it was the first case of infant baptism, I could just see the way the gospel was being skewed. I think what bugged me most was the many references to Jesus' death without explaining the resurrection that happened three days later. What it really ed me to ponder on this week was the huge responsibility teachers, especially teachers of children have. I mean, this was the "truth" these kids were hearing all week long, and is was not truth at all. I am not a great theologian, but I think one of the problems in churches across the board today, not to mention seminaries and other religious colleges, is faulty teaching. Overall, it is those teachers who will be judged by God for misleading these children, but I know that I will now think hard about how I am teaching as well.